Registration Information
You must be logged in to your MyFantasyLeague User Account before being able to enter a mock draft.

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  • Welcome to our Free Public Mock Drafts.
  • New drafts start every 10 minutes.
  • One minute timer per pick.
  • Computer will pick for any unfilled slots based on our ADP Rankings.
  • Use the live chat within the draft room to discuss strategy or trash talk with other participants.

Draft Starts In Teams Rounds Scoring Draft Position Enter Draft
4462 3 mins 7 secs 8 16 Performance12345678
4481 3 mins 7 secs 14 16 Performance1234567891011121314
4490 3 mins 7 secs 8 16 PPR12345678
4491 3 mins 7 secs 10 16 PPR12345678910
4494 3 mins 7 secs 10 16 Performance12345678910
4500 3 mins 7 secs 16 16 PPR12345678910111213141516
4504 3 mins 7 secs 16 16 Performance12345678910111213141516
4505 3 mins 7 secs 14 16 PPR1234567891011121314
4506 3 mins 7 secs 12 16 Performance123456789101112
4508 3 mins 7 secs 12 16 PPR123456789101112